Founded In Truth Missions Trip

Tribute paid to victims of the earthquake Lorem ipsum dolor sit ets amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

Founded In Truth Missions Trip2017-02-03T21:08:10+00:00

Identity & Purpose

Does our identity in life come from the amount of "stuff" we have? Have we been sold a lie that tells

Identity & Purpose2016-10-20T10:50:49+00:00


What do the phrases "in the fullness of time" and "fullness of iniquity" mean? Do these have any influence or impact


Beit Lechem Farm Episode 7

In this video Joel shares about California Red Worms and how important they are to your organic gardening.  These worms produce

Beit Lechem Farm Episode 72016-10-20T10:51:02+00:00

WIT-Talmidim Live Round Table – The Royal Messenger 2/25/2015 Join Rico Cortes and the WIT -Talmidim Teachers, Daniel McGirr (Ancient Covenant Ministries), Matthew Vander Els (Founded In Truth), Ryan

WIT-Talmidim Live Round Table – The Royal Messenger 2/25/20152016-10-20T10:51:02+00:00

Choosing to Suffer

Division and strife have sidetracked us to the real issue of why we walk as we do.  We have fallen to having the

Choosing to Suffer2016-10-20T10:51:03+00:00
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